Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fun on the Patio

In an attempt to avoid constantly finding trouble, we picked up this little outdoor grill set for the boys to play with...they've been loving it and have cooked us up lots of grub!

Zach waiting for his burger.

I'm envisioning this in a garage sale down the road, but for now, good fun!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Aunt Jenny

Aunt Jenny came up for a was great seeing her and we had a good time just hanging out!

We did decide to take Jenny up to the M...not sure it's on her 'top 10 things to do in Bozeman' but it was worth it at the top right Jen? :)

Ben & Dad went all the way to the top of the M...Ben was proud because he hike up there and and back down 'without any rests' he told us. :)

Boys with Aunt Jenny

Water break!

We like our hikes!

Waiting to cook up some smores...thanks for coming to see us Aunt Jenny!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

We had kind of a lazy Father's Day, but did manage to get out for a little evening hike.

Dad & his boys. Happy Father's Day to the best dad...we love you!!

We packed a few PB&J's and had a little picnic out on the trails.

A little PBJ and a great big cheese. :)

Me & my hikers. Ben likes to hike most of the way, but gets a boost from Dad here and there. Zach was a pretty good little back packer...except for part of the way where he insisted on pulling on my pony tail...the little giggle made it worth it though. :)

Out on South Cottonwood.

Ben's photography...

Practicing the self-timer off the tailgate.

As long as they're outside they're happy!

These are probably the happiest hikers.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Cory & Annie & Kenna & Abby stopped on their vacation travels and spent a night with it when they make it up our way!

Good 'ol BBQ

Kenna, Ben & Abby...Ben could hardly wait for them to get here.

There's always gotta be a score to check on something.

Hottub party.

Ben being goofy...looks a lot like Uncle Cory here don't you think?

Clownin around...

Now theres quite the trio.

Um...I think Abby was having her own dance party...and Ben was trying to kung fu Cory.

Too cool for school.... she's getting way too grown up!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

T-Ball - So it Begins

We got Ben in city t-ball league (4-5 yr olds) and it was an interesting little season. With the weather really not cooperating we only managed a couple practices and a few games...but I think that was plenty for the 1st go around. :)

Big boy!

The 'Mini-Bobcats'

Our little sportster.

Zach enjoyed the season about as much as Ben did!

Ben and his buddies...Isabella & Wesley (their dad Robert was the coach...Nick helped out)

Nick met Robert through work a while back...we've had fun getting to know them and Ben & Wesley have become quite the little buds!

Dad helping coach the 'outfield'...Ben & that the ready stance? Well for 4 & 5 yr olds that's pretty good...they're facing the right direction anyway. :)

There we go!

Zach was slightly obsessed with the tee and putting the ball up on it and trying to pick up the bat and hit it off...Ben was giving some pointers.

Short of Zach running to the tee each time he could, I had to keep him preoccupied. Luckily, there was a park near by!

Robert, Bella, Christy, Ben, Wesley & Nick...enjoying one of the rare nice game days!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Date with Jane

Lez was off traveling so Bryce & Jane came up for the weekend...Ben & Jane had lots of fun catching up!

Getting ready for their 'date'...I took them to Kung Fu Panda 2. :)

Sorry're too much of a wild man for the movies right have to stay home and keep an eye on the big boys.

At the movie!

After the movie we came home and BBQ'd and had a little hottub fun.

Zach LOVES the hottub!