Thursday, June 16, 2011

T-Ball - So it Begins

We got Ben in city t-ball league (4-5 yr olds) and it was an interesting little season. With the weather really not cooperating we only managed a couple practices and a few games...but I think that was plenty for the 1st go around. :)

Big boy!

The 'Mini-Bobcats'

Our little sportster.

Zach enjoyed the season about as much as Ben did!

Ben and his buddies...Isabella & Wesley (their dad Robert was the coach...Nick helped out)

Nick met Robert through work a while back...we've had fun getting to know them and Ben & Wesley have become quite the little buds!

Dad helping coach the 'outfield'...Ben & that the ready stance? Well for 4 & 5 yr olds that's pretty good...they're facing the right direction anyway. :)

There we go!

Zach was slightly obsessed with the tee and putting the ball up on it and trying to pick up the bat and hit it off...Ben was giving some pointers.

Short of Zach running to the tee each time he could, I had to keep him preoccupied. Luckily, there was a park near by!

Robert, Bella, Christy, Ben, Wesley & Nick...enjoying one of the rare nice game days!