Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ben hits the big FIVE

Everything about Ben tells me he's five...he's tall, he's smart, he's inquisitive, he can do most stuff without mom's help...he reminds me everyday how big he is...verbally and through his actions... but it's still hard to believe he's actually five. I guess you just take things in stride...and although a part makes me sad how fast time goes, it's fun and exciting to watch him grow and learn new things. This last year we made the transition from daycare to preschool and he has loved every minute...sure makes these steps in life easier on his mom. :)

The day before I took Ben to the store after school and let him pick out birthday doughnuts for everyone...his criteria was chocolate and jelly, thankfully we found the perfect one.

Zach wasn't quite ready for birthday never know what might set off an almost 2 year old...this morning it was scooting his chair over by Ben.

Miss Danielle made the birthday boy a crown to wear for the day at preschool.

Me and my guy.

We had a little celebration after dinner. Speaking of...I let Ben pick dinner and he told me mac-n-cheese (it was a toss up between this and ravioli...chef boy-r-dee style)...I made a yummy gooey home made baked mac-n-cheese. Ben had a few bites before informing me he never wanted that kind again...he only wanted the yellow kind out of the box. Thank you Kraft.

Gramma is bringing a cake when she comes in a couple weeks so we settled for birthday doughnuts and birthday cookie pops for the day.

New book, new game for the Leapster...

...and puzzles!

The little cheeseball.