Saturday, March 31, 2012

Billings Funfest

We ran down to Billings for the day/night and got to spend some fun time with family & friends!

First we met Mike, Mandy & kiddos for lunch...and no I don't have any pictures, but we could not believe how Ben & Jace flirted with this one little cute waitress...I think signs of trouble ahead!

Then went and did some bowling.

Zach (couldn't tear him away from the water fountain)... Jace, Ben & Gabi. It's so fun when these guys get to catch up...they have a good time together!

Now that they are a bit older and have spent some time together...they clearly pick up where they left off.

Ben's technique.

Zach did a good job sorting the balls as they came up the chute.

And yes, I enjoy seeing my cousin too. :)

After bowling we headed up to Bryce & Lez's and barbequed and hung out for the night. The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast. Gabi, Bo (Lane's), Jane, Jace, Ben & Zach.

The big bounce 'contraption' even surfaced...a bit of chaos, but great entertainment.

Dogpile Nick.