Friday, April 27, 2012

Sittin Service

My friends Beth & Holly both take their little ones to daycare where Zach on a day she had to be closed Zach & I offered to take the day and have our little friends over for some sitting services.

Zach was my little helper/entertainer for the day.  I'm not sure who was having more fun with the jumper, him or Carson (8 mos)! 

Hang on buddy! 

Zach loves little Riley (3 mos) and is very sweet with her. 

Lots of kisses! 

He was trying to make her cute! 

He even helped me feed Carson at lunch! 

And throughout the day he kept reminding me that he's my little baby...see mom, I still fit in the jumper!  He would also weasel his way onto my lap whenever I was holding one of the babies...and kindly suggest I put the baby down on the blanket.  Yes bud, I know you're still my baby!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Just livin the life!

Authentic cowboys?  Getting ready to hit the MSU Spring Rodeo. 

After 5 years of kids Moka has finally given up...fine, go ahead and sit on me. 

Zach always wants me to take his picture so he can look at it in the camera...he's a cheeser.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

 Bryce, Lez & Jane stayed over so these two had fun in the morning hunting for their baskets and eggs together.

Excited little boy.

Look Mom!

 Jane was a pro at finding eggs!

 My little bunnies.

 Better try out the eggs!

And after all this work...he says it was 'ucky'.

Working on their Easter bunnies.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Fun

Bryce, Lez & Jane came up and we had Beth, Sean & Riley out for a little Easter celebration.

 Zach, Ben & Jane waiting patiently to dye some Easter eggs!

Lez & Bryce doing a little instruction...kits are a lot more complex these days (tie-dyed, painting with mini rollers...)

Look at the concentration!

Fun stuff!

Little Miss Riley & Beth

Jane and 'Zackie' as she calls him.  :)

Ben sailing across the nice April snow.

And Jane...still in her cute little dress...we did talk her into putting some rain boots on.  :)

Jane 'sunning' herself...pretending to be a puppy.

And the lone picture of the delicious fried turkey!