Tuesday, May 29, 2012


 Back in February we found out we were going to be blessed with a baby this October...and while we didn't 'peek' with the boys, we felt like we wanted to be prepared for #3.  So during the ultrasound not only did we get the best news that everything looked perfect...but on top of it we found out we are going to be blessed with a little girl!  We let Ben come to the apt with us.  He thought it was pretty good watching the baby on TV (for the first 10 min at least :)... it took them awhile to get a good view to let us know on the gender and while Nick and I were in disbelief...Ben didn't think twice.  He has been calling the baby a girl all along so I guess he didn't think it was any big news.  Maybe not now, but it'll be a whole new world when there is pink in the house and he gets talked into playing barbies!

When I ask Zach what's in mom's tummy he says baby...but this is immediately followed by the need to look under my shirt and he get's this puzzled look and says 'no baby?'

Here's some pictures of the little sweet pea!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Week at the Farm

Nick's company has been building some condos in Glendive so he's been there off and on for work.  The boys & I decided to take some time and spend a week out at the farm while he was working down there.  The boys love being out at the farm...so much to do not even a little wind and rain can keep them inside.

I wonder exactly how many miles we put on the 4-wheeler...multiple rides throughout the day.  Ben's new thing this time around was he learned to drive it 'by himself' (this means yes he can run the gas & steer, but with an adult on board).  He was one excited little boy and when dad got out there that Friday it was the first thing he wanted to do is take his dad for a ride.  All smiles!

The boys helped Gramma get all her flowers planted...only to wake up to 28 degrees one morning...hope they were planted with enough love to survive! 

A lot of miles were also put on the bike.  Ben was riding rounds on the driveway and told me 'Gramma & Grampa have a pretty small driveway'...I informed him that he could ride out onto the dirt and he looked at me like I was crazy...I assured him we all learned to ride on the gravel growing up and survived any scrapes along the way!  Oh, my city boy...it's good to get a little country in him!  :)

Ben had to give Grampa some rides too... and Zach was just as happy along for the ride.

You never know what kind of toys you'll find around there. 

Ben even talked Great Grampa Begger into a little round of mini golf. 

 The old hats...a favorite.

Ben helped Grampa go get Dusty in.  We didn't ride on this day and unfortunately I wasn't out with my camera the day they did...Ben insisted he wasn't going to, but he got up there.  And Zach was all smiles up on the horse with Uncle Casey.  Ben did ask Grampa if Jet was still hurt...when Grampa told Ben that Jet wasn't here any more Ben asked if he was in heaven and said Tate was probably riding him.  :) 

Ben got a little braver...let him eat out of his hand!

They even got a ride on the farm mobile with Great Uncle Bill.

Finally, some of the cousins arrived! 
Kenna, Ben, Abby, Grace, Zach & Coy....we were missing our Ella, Gavin & Josie

Makenna is such a great big cousin...she spent lots of time with the kids and even held some 'school' sessions downstairs.  She had all those kids following her orders in no time...comes natural, takes after her mama.

 Grace Jane...her and Ben are two peas in a pod.

The 'little' guys scrubbin in the tub. 

Coy is seven months older than Zach, but I think Zach better be nice to his little cousins.  :)  Lots of fun/trouble ahead with these two! 

Settling in for some cartoons...Kenna, Coy & Zach

Three's company all weekend...

Lil cowboys

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Derrick's Grad

 Hard to believe 15 years after Nick, his little brother graduates from high school.  :)   Congrats Derrick!

The boys with Uncle D.

 Brothers...actually pretty much look eye to eye!

Jenny & bro 


With the parents... look out empty nest! 


Derrick & his girly friend, Ann

Leona & my Mom

Zach sandwich...lucky little guy with all that Gramma love!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Blitz Soccer

This spring we decided to for-go t-ball and give soccer a whirl.  Too much standing around in t-ball for the attention span of a 4-5 year old...we need something with more running and action!  We've only had a couple practice and today was the 2nd game.  Ben seems to really like it...it's fun seeing him interact so easily with other kids.  He even scored a goal his first game!

A clip from the first game of him scoring his goal...he was pretty excited as you can tell from the celebration. :)

Warming up with his team...the Silver Bobcats.

Here we go...

A little like herding sheep out there, but Ben gets right in there!

Chatting on the sideline.  They play 3 on 3 for 4, 8-minute quarters and there are 6 on the team so they get rotated in and out every 4 minutes.

Zach enjoys soccer games too and has fun kicking the ball around in the back field.

He's a pretty good little kicker!

A couple of future players.

The hardest part of soccer game day is that games are at 2:00...right in the middle of prime nap time.  This is when we got back home.

Even after Dad got up he Zach just couldn't snap out of it.  A day in the sun takes it out of you!