Back in February we found out we were going to be blessed with a baby this October...and while we didn't 'peek' with the boys, we felt like we wanted to be prepared for #3. So during the ultrasound not only did we get the best news that everything looked perfect...but on top of it we found out we are going to be blessed with a little girl! We let Ben come to the apt with us. He thought it was pretty good watching the baby on TV (for the first 10 min at least :)... it took them awhile to get a good view to let us know on the gender and while Nick and I were in disbelief...Ben didn't think twice. He has been calling the baby a girl all along so I guess he didn't think it was any big news. Maybe not now, but it'll be a whole new world when there is pink in the house and he gets talked into playing barbies!
When I ask Zach what's in mom's tummy he says baby...but this is immediately followed by the need to look under my shirt and he get's this puzzled look and says 'no baby?'
Here's some pictures of the little sweet pea!