Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kenna & Abby Visit

Makenna is playing on a traveling fast pitch softball team for Glendive and they had a tournament up here in Belgrade and one in Bozeman so we got to see her play.  She's doing good and we even got to see some great hits!

A little hot to sit around the ball park all day so we brought Abby back to the house to cool off in the sprinkler.

Ben loves his cousins so much!

Abby & Zach sunbathing

You don't get to sit and relax for long with Ben around!

Who needs to actually run through the sprinkler when you can kick back on the hottub.

Zach likes the moderation

Hottub party

Zach wanted to do his own mohawk

The next day we headed down to the pond in the neighborhood.

Nick & Cory out 'boating'

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Wedding Fun

Melissa & Sean's Wedding...  we were able to go to Billings and help celebrate my cousin Melissa's wedding.  Always a good time at a family wedding!

Dancing it up with the cousins.

Makenna, Megan & Maria shaking it with the boys.

The picture's dark...but had to post...Grace & Ben couldn't get enough of the dance floor.  They told me they were dancing like they were 'married'.  :)

They snagged Monica, pretty little bridesmaid.

Kenna & Zach

My lovely cousins...Stacie, Julie & Lisa

Zach & the Coy boy

Dance break

We got in a little swimming at the hotel the morning after.  This picture is exactly what it looks like...Ben 'helping' Grace get some air.  :)

Ben's 'cannonball'

You can only see Ben's leg, but they were having fun jumping in together.

Ben, Kenna, Zach & Dad, and Casey

Zach loves swimming

Mandy & the kiddos met us for the morning swim so Ben got to catch up with his cousin Jace.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Soccer Wrap Up

Ben had a great time playing soccer this year.  He would get right in there and go after the ball.  It was fun to see him easily interact with the kids.  He scored a goal in 3 of the games and jumped up and down with excitement...does a parent's heart good to see their kid happy and excited.

Halftime...I'm not sure if the kids look forward more to the game or the oranges at half time!

The coaches arranged a pizza party after the last practice.  

I have to get a few more clips of the games downloaded off the camera!