Saturday, June 16, 2012

Wedding Fun

Melissa & Sean's Wedding...  we were able to go to Billings and help celebrate my cousin Melissa's wedding.  Always a good time at a family wedding!

Dancing it up with the cousins.

Makenna, Megan & Maria shaking it with the boys.

The picture's dark...but had to post...Grace & Ben couldn't get enough of the dance floor.  They told me they were dancing like they were 'married'.  :)

They snagged Monica, pretty little bridesmaid.

Kenna & Zach

My lovely cousins...Stacie, Julie & Lisa

Zach & the Coy boy

Dance break

We got in a little swimming at the hotel the morning after.  This picture is exactly what it looks like...Ben 'helping' Grace get some air.  :)

Ben's 'cannonball'

You can only see Ben's leg, but they were having fun jumping in together.

Ben, Kenna, Zach & Dad, and Casey

Zach loves swimming

Mandy & the kiddos met us for the morning swim so Ben got to catch up with his cousin Jace.