Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Preschool Graduate

They had a little preschool graduation at ABC Kidz...I guess no more denying...Ben is really going to Kindergarten!

My little graduate 'marching' in.

His graduating class:  Olivia, Ben, Benjamin & Owen.

Miss Ashleigh read a poem from all the teachers.

Handing out some gifts.

The teaches said what they thought each of them might be when the grow up...for Ben it was an NBA star...then they revealed what the kids actually said they wanted to be...Ben wants to build houses with his Dad.  :)

Zach watching big brother!

Getting his diploma...the kids loved all of it.  Ben talked about the 'special day' for weeks leading up to it.

Throwing the hats.

With preschool teaches Miss Danielle & Miss Ashleigh

So proud!

With little brother.

It'll be soon enough!

 Opening up a little gift.

 With buddy Benjamin...these 2 clicked from day 1.  They'll both be at the same elementary school too.

They had a potluck after graduation. 

Me and my guy...I loved seeing how proud he was...but time can slow down just a bit! 

 Zach might not thank me one day...but while we were taking pictures he was getting ready for a bath...but insisted on a picture too.  :) :)

Friday, August 10, 2012


With everything that has happened in the past month, it was so nice to be able to spend a weekend with some of my, cry, laugh...just hang.

College Roomies - Kasey, me, Keri & Beth
We went to Chico and spent the know true friends when no matter how much time passes, no matter how much you've kept in touch, the minute you're together it's like nothings changed.  Every time I get together with these girls we pick up where we left off.

No one can make you laugh like Welker.  :)

It's funny that Beth & I both live in Bozeman, and yes, we see each other fairly often...but most of the time it's in the midst of the day to day, work, kids... it's still nice to be able to have 'us' time! 

BFF...20+ years and counting

 We may have danced for about 5 hours straight.  :)

 Like I said...some things never change. :)

The next night we went out and about downtown Bozeman.  We spent several hours drinking wine on the patio of the R Bar chatting...nothing like a little girl talk.  :)

Laurel met up with us too!

 Laurel, Keri, Kasey, Beth, me & Amanda

This makes me one point in the day we were all ready for naps and didn't know if we had energy to hit it up 2 nights in a row...maybe it was the 5 glasses of wine, but somewhere we caught a second wind.  :)

 Yes Welker, you rallied.  :)

Thank you Nick & my boys for understanding and giving mom a little time on the loose.  XO

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Summer Get-Together

Our college friends Stacie & Chris and their little girl Addy were up visiting from Denver so we had a get-together with them, Jake & Keri & kiddos and Beth, Sean & Riley.  It's always so good to get to spend time with good 'old' friends!

Ben & Bridger throwing the footballs with Dads. 

Ben & Zach love little Riley so much.  Zach gets to spend his days at daycare with her and Ben loves on her every chance he gets.  The other night when we were saying our prayers he even thanked Jesus for baby Riley.  :)

There was a little leggo mania going on in Ben's room...we had a 'no girls allowed' policy going on for awhile.  Oh boy. 

Beth & Keri with their sweet baby girls...Riley (6 mos) and Robbi (8 mos)

The busy little boys...Jaxon & Zach

Beth, Stacie, me & Keri

Ker & her little mini me Robbi Jo

Sean & Riley Elizabeth

Sean and Jake & Robbi

Stacie & Chris's cute little Addy

Ben trying to get Welker with a water balloon.

Keri & Nick filling balloons... a lot of work for a few minutes of fun!

The A-Team: Ben, Jaxon, Bridger & Zach
It's so fun to watch my boys play with kiddos of close friends! 

Ready, set...
 game on!

 Notice how Zach's always diggin in the bucket?  :)

 Nothin better than a summer afternoon in the sun with buddies!