Friday, February 22, 2013

Ben hits the big SIX

I feel like the clearest proof in the passage of time is through watching your kids grow.  The years seem to go by in the blink of an eye...sometimes it's sad to see the time pass, but each stage brings a whole new adventure so here's to being six Benjamin Nicholas!

(Something was messed up on my phone camera settings so some of these didn't turn out great.)

We started birthday day with a birthday maple bar...might as well get him all sugared up before school.

I guess being six makes you affectionate to little least for these few minutes. :) 

I sometimes think about what it must be like to be the oldest be the one to blaze the trail of all the '1sts' of parenting.  There have certainly been some challenges, I just hope that I'm doing the best by you Ben!  You are such a bright, bold, energetic, curious, inquisitive kid with a big heart.  I love that you are a leader and have always been brave about trying new things and meeting new friends.  I know sometimes we have to rein in some of that (no, it's still not ok to stand on the table during library because everyone thinks it's funny), but never lose your 'spunk'.  :)  
I can still remember the day you were born like it was yesterday...
My dad said all I kept saying that day was 'he's perfect'.  :)