Ben's class had a little 'graduation celebration' in their classroom.
Getting ready for their little program.
Ben has been waiting for this special day...mostly so he could wear his tie. :)
Getting his diploma.
It's official!
Cousin Elsye Robinson & Ben
Good job buddy!
Enjoying 'refreshments' with his class.
Weston & Ben
Cameron & Ben
Having his friends sign his yearbook. :)
Ben & Reese
Owen & Ben
Cameron, Holden, Owen & Ben
With Mrs. Burke
The year wasn't without it's challenges...a few calls to home, a trip or 2 to the principal (you know, boy can't wrestle/hit your friends, or write on their clothes with marker, a bloody nose, a black eye, scraped elbow because a 5th grader whizzed by you on the blacktop), but he did a lot of growing and changing through the school year and we're very proud of him. He counts to 100 (by 1's, 2's, 5's & 10's) can read first books, and has a big heart for making friends and keeping a pretty busy social life.