Saturday, February 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Ben!

Happy Birthday to my outgoing, smart, funny, awnry, big hearted, ALL BOY boy!!  I still remember the day he was born like it was yesterday.  He changed my world that day and continues to do so daily with his new adventures...sorry bud, you're the oldest so we have to navigate all of these firsts in life together!  

Of course he would request cake pops to take to school... of which I had never made before, and was only in my 2nd week back at work trying to juggle my new day to day... but with help from 2 little decorators (I am still finding sprinkles) we whipped them out!

The boys look forward to birthday donuts when they wake up.  I'm going to have to start opting for bigger donuts for these candles!

How many more years until he's taller than me?!!

My favorite guys

All dolled up and ready to party.

We met up with our good friends and neighbors, the Lauterbach's for some bday fun...the Dads took the kids to the Lego movie (while Rachel, Courtney & I shopped around the mall) and then we hit up Ben's favorite, Fuddruckers for burgers and games.

Ben & Taylor 

Nolan & Zach 

Courtney was a perfect little partier. 

These 4 have so much fun together...we're blessed to have awesome neighbors! 

Zach loves his Taylor girl! 

 2 Peas in a Pod

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Bday Celebrations

Since we were having family here we decided to do an early birthday celebration for both boys.  This year's cake request from Grandma...Ninja Turtles! (Thank yo Pinterest!)

These guys survived 400+ miles in a suburban of 7 + a dog!

The boys approved!

Tough to see cake through these little turtle eyes. 

Tuckered Turtle