Saturday, February 8, 2014


Bryce, Lez, Jane & Blake came to town for a night so we met up with them at their hotel for some swimming and catching's been way to long since we've seen them!!

I love that these 2 can pick right up where they left off and are good little buddies.

My little fish...we talked him out of ditching his 'boat' (little round floatie) for a life jacket...he did great...swimming lessons here we come!


 Checking out the goldfish pond below.

After Jane showered, we caught Ben combing (and then blow drying) Jane's hair... maybe a little odd, but I found it super sweet.  :)

At a Bobcat game.

Lez & Blake (14 months)...she is such a little sweetheart!  She wanted to come to me right when we walked into the hotel...melted my heart!

Jane & Courtney (Courtney is wearing a hand-me-down outfit from Blake...although Blake wore it closer to 9 months old.  :)