Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Farm League

Ben made it to the big(ger) leagues this year...Farm League...a.k.a. coach pitch.  It was a huge leap in focus, concentration, effort, and growing love of the game.  Were they still monkeys climbing the dugouts and shoving each other off the bench...yes...I guess it's ok to still be 7.  :)

Zach loved game nights.  There were always lots of kids running around and a big dirt pile to play on. 

Ben was on the same team as his buddy and neighbor Nolan.  Here's Nolan taking a crack at it. 

Nolan handing off to Ben.

Nolan's dad, Jaaron, with Nick & Courtney. 

Good little cheerleader for the boys!

 Looks grown up.  It was a lot of fun watching this next step up from t-ball.

Playing catcher 

These my mom took from the game they were able to watch...

Dad helping coach 3rd base. 

Home Run Hit!!  And he saved it for Gramma & Grampa!

He was just a little bit excited.  :)

 Instructions from dad.

Ben and his buddy Cooper.