Saturday, August 9, 2014

Reinhart Camping on the Madison

We were able to sneak in another camping weekend...this time with the Reinharts...minus the RV.  Maybe the RV for a weekend was a bad idea...a little hard to go back to the 'ol tent!

We camped right out on the Madison...the kids were looking for crawdads. 

Ben had a pretty good eye for them! 

No for the 100th time...we can't keep it as a pet. 

Turned around and this monkey was almost to the top of a tree...not ready for any more broken bones yet. 

Courtney ended up getting a little cold the first day out there so it was a little rough for her at times. 

Trouble 1 & 2 

Gabi playing with Courtney. 

We ran Courtney into a sitter (and Gabi...she wasn't sure floating was for her either) and the rest of us took a little tube float down the Madison...everyone loved it. 

Jace & Ben had their own little raft. 

My co-pilot. 

Went and picked up the girls...they were ready for some more camping after some big naps. 

 Mandy entertained while we were packing up.

Never a dull moment hanging with the Reinharts!  :)