Sunday, September 28, 2014

Courtney & Hayes

Courtney (10 mos) finally got to meet her newest little buddy Hayes (1 month, Kyle & Laurel's).  He is the sweetest, prettiest, I mean most handsome, little guy!!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Bobcat Fun

Some snaps from Bobcat season 2014!

Zach pre-gaming. 

Ben & Nolan getting ready to attack the climbing wall. 


Courtney & 'Great Uncle Jay' 
Bobcat buddies...Mark Ralph & Courtney 


Ben. Zach & Jaxon Yates...making a plan.

 Let's execute boys.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


The in a tub.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

1/2 Marathon

I've never really been a 'runner', but had a secret goal of running a half marathon.  Over the summer I found out how much I really enjoyed running and finished my 'first' half marathon in Bozeman.  I finished with a chip time of 2:11...right at a 10 min mile.  Feels good, but now I kind of have an inkling to do it under 2 hours... uh oh.  

A shot from the starting point...I think there were over 600 that ran the 1/2.

I conned my friend Shannon into running it with me.  We only got one long run in together during our training, but it helped knowing someone else was going through it and was fun running it together! 

 Travis & Julie ran with 2 others in the Marathon relay.  The family that runs together...   :)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Courtney & Jack

Courtney (9 mos) & Jack (7 mos) having their own little tailgate party before the Cat game!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

1st Day of School

Off to another school year!  Ben in 2nd Grade at Meadowlark (Mrs. Hart's class) and Zach is moving out of daycare into preschool at Children's Development Center (Miss Loucks & Miss Lewis).  

Starting to look way to grown up! 

They both wanted to wear their Hawaii necklaces mom & dad brought back.  :) 

Somebody was excited to get to go to 'school' finally!  Right up until dad dropped him off...then a few tears and he wasn't as sure.  :)  My sweet sweet boy.   

Not surprisingly, his teachers adore him and say he is a wonderful kid.  I would have to agree! 

The boys picked out their own backpacks...Ninja Turtles for Zach...and "Michael Jordan" for Ben.  Is it odd that he knows Michael Jordon more so than Lebron James?!

And Courtney's first day at daycare without big brother.  :(   

Gramma was still here from the Hawaii week so she got to see everyone off on their 1st day too.