Off to another school year! Ben in 2nd Grade at Meadowlark (Mrs. Hart's class) and Zach is moving out of daycare into preschool at Children's Development Center (Miss Loucks & Miss Lewis).
Starting to look way to grown up!
They both wanted to wear their Hawaii necklaces mom & dad brought back. :)
Somebody was excited to get to go to 'school' finally! Right up until dad dropped him off...then a few tears and he wasn't as sure. :) My sweet sweet boy.
Not surprisingly, his teachers adore him and say he is a wonderful kid. I would have to agree!
The boys picked out their own backpacks...Ninja Turtles for Zach...and "Michael Jordan" for Ben. Is it odd that he knows Michael Jordon more so than Lebron James?!
And Courtney's first day at daycare without big brother. :(
Gramma was still here from the Hawaii week so she got to see everyone off on their 1st day too.