Thursday, December 31, 2015

Cheers to 2016!

 We rang in the New Year with some friends, food, and fun at home with the Hendersons and Donaghys!

Ben, Zach, Bella, Wesley & Gavin

Cheers friend!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Cousin Fun

We went over to Cory & Annie's for some sledding fun.  Uncle Cory taking the kids on rides.

Cas, Courtney, Zach, Kyler & Ben

Kenna climbing on as the caboose.

Courtney & Cas

 Thanks for the play date!

Two minutes later.

Later on we met up with Morasko cousins out at the bowling alley.  Courtney and her cousin Claire (James Barnick's little one).  Clair is about 4 months older than Courtney.

Fast friends 

Nick and his cousins James & Gary Barnick 

The crew...Jimmy, Joey, Abby, Claire, Josh, Ben, Zach, Courtney & Brianna.

My parents and Aunt Carol stopped by to visit too...Courtney & her Great Auntie from Chicago!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

I think someone likes her new house.

That's some good Christmas hair!

Santa brought new robes.

 Turns out sissy's playhouse makes a pretty good 'club house.'

Beer run

Ahh the age of technology...wondering if they're at least texting each other?

Game time 

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve

We were in Glendive this year for Christmas with the Morasko clan.

Wasn't a ton of snow, but enough for some sledding at Wipkee Park.

Dad giving it a go.


 Hard to see, but all spiffed up for Christmas Eve mass.

Gramma reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.' 

Looks like Santa found us.