Our good buds and neighbors, the Lauterbachs, are off to a new adventure in Washington so we had to say 'see ya later' to some very dear friends we have come to love. We are already trying to plan our trips to meet up!
Nolan probably gets the most credit for turning Ben into a Seahawks fan. We are all going to miss his quick wit, great serenading country crooning, and amazing ability to share all kinds of fact knowledge from sports, to cars to country superstars. Ben and Nolan love and fight like brothers...and have a very true friendship.
Ahh Miss Taylor. These 2 became great little buds that could play for hours with smiles on their faces. Tay was such a sweet friend to Zach and we are going to miss her knocks on the front door asking for 'Zachy' or her many shoes we would find out back by the trampoline. :)
Randi, me, Rachel & Erica - its been so fun becoming close friends with neighbors...going to miss the impromptu gatherings and sharing parenting struggles/laughs with Rachel!
The guys...Dustin, Jaaron, Jason & Nick