Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Tonsils & Adenoids Yanked

After we confirmed that Ben's adenoids were causing NINETY NINE PERCENT blockage...we decided we would see if we could do something to help this kid breathe a little easier.  He had his tonsils and adenoids out and also had a turbinate reduction in his nostrils.  

A little nervous, but putting on his brave face...his Seahawks pillow pet for comfort.

Our little patient 

 TV is always a good distraction.

Snuggles before... 

and after!

We had a few rough nights, but overall he was a champ!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Little Miss

This little girl keeps us on our toes!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Party Time

We have kept it to family and close friends the last few years so this year his one request was to invite some friends to his party. :)  You got it buddy.

Ninja Turtle cupcakes...check.

My Lil Bubba is ready! 

Obsticles, tumbling, and jumping at Motion Athletics...perfect for energetic five year olds! 

Ben practicing his American Ninja Warrior moves. 

Zach and his preschool buds from Children's Development Center. 

Ashtyn, Zach & Shawn 

Ashtyn, Edward & Zach 

Who is that cute little girl?! 

Someone might be partied out. 

Ava, Ben, Ashtyn, Max, Colter, Edward, Shawn, Shawn's little bro, Zach 

Zach & Colter 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


This smiley guy was pretty excited to turn 5.  He was thinking he should be able to start school the next day.  :)  Zach is the most tenderhearted, caring, kind little boy I know...I hope he never loses those qualities!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Tooth Pulling

Yes this happened...yes, Ben 'let' his dad tie a string around his front tooth and do the 'ol slam the door tooth pull!

Was a bit shocking...not sure he would try it again, but it sure worked good!