Saturday, March 14, 2015

Party Time

We have kept it to family and close friends the last few years so this year his one request was to invite some friends to his party. :)  You got it buddy.

Ninja Turtle cupcakes...check.

My Lil Bubba is ready! 

Obsticles, tumbling, and jumping at Motion Athletics...perfect for energetic five year olds! 

Ben practicing his American Ninja Warrior moves. 

Zach and his preschool buds from Children's Development Center. 

Ashtyn, Zach & Shawn 

Ashtyn, Edward & Zach 

Who is that cute little girl?! 

Someone might be partied out. 

Ava, Ben, Ashtyn, Max, Colter, Edward, Shawn, Shawn's little bro, Zach 

Zach & Colter