Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ben's 1st Communion

Celebrating a special boy and special day!  Ben made his First Reconciliation earlier this year and now made his First Communion.  I love watching his excitement for this part of his life and am very proud of him!

Gramma made a cake for the special occasion.  

Getting spiffed up. 

Wearing the special cross Grampa & Gramma gve him. 

So handsome! 

His class 

Ben's buddy Cameron. 

Father Leo and Father Val 

 Reception in the church basement.

Father Leo Proxell & Ben 

Cam & Ben and little brothers 

I guess you can still jump on the tramp in your nice clothes. 


Cross from Great Gramma & Grampa Begger 

Plaque from Great Gramma & Grampa Barthel 

My mom stuck in some pictures of me on my First Communion Day...apparently Ben got a kick out of it. 

Picture frame from Gramma & Grampa 

So glad my parents came for the special day!