Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hitting the Slopes

This was Zach's first year of ski lessons up at Bridger, Ben's second.  They both love it.  Zach improved so much...I couldn't believe how brave he was.  Ben, well, is basically already 10x better than his mom...a little too fearless for my liking, but it is fun to watch him go.

Zach with his group.

Coy and Courtney had to watch from the sidelines...not easy for Coy, he wanted to be out there with him so bad.  Next time bud!

Zach in the orange snow pants. 

While the boys were in lessons, Nick & Grace hit the slopes for a few runs. 

Grace has went a few times before...she did great! 

Sis just passing the time. 

Finally he makes an appearance at the bottom of the mountain! 

After lessons, Nick took the 3 of them up for a few more runs. 

 Grace had this elephant with her for a school project.  She had to write and take pictures about the adventures it went on...I think it had a fun time skiing!

Grampa and Gramma with the crew.