Monday, October 22, 2007

8 Months Old!

Some of Ben's 8 month pics...

Now that he's on the move, this is one of his favorite obsticles is trying to get through the end table...
...and if he can't go through, he tries to squeeze around it!

Helpin with the laundry.

Teasin the puppies.

Dad coaches pee-wee (5th & 6th grade) football so we geared up to go watch one of his games on a nice Saturday morning.

Everyone wants outside to play!

Loungin with mom.

Lots of new tricks!
Peakin over the couch.

Look at that crazy hair (or more like crazy 'hairs' :).
Big yawns.
Pretty big boy.
A little playtime with the puppies before bed.
Out like a light.