Saturday, October 6, 2007

Homecoming - Go Cats!

We bundled up and braved the snowy wet homecoming game...Cats beat Southern Utah 7-3 in an ugly muddy game, but at least it was a win!

Ben in his first pair of snow bibs. A little big, but should get him through his first season!

Ben is such a trooper...bundled to the point of no moving, but keeping warm!

Ben and one of his favorite buddies...'Auntie' Beth

It was our friend Holly's first Bobcat game so this pics for her. :)

Hanging with the girls.

We have a tailgate spot with our friends Cory & Kendra Robinson who have an RV that comes in mighty handy on these cold game days. Here is Mom & Ben with Kendra and her little girl Elsye. Nick's dad and Kendra's mom are cousins so that makes Ben & Elsye around 5th cousins. :)