Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Please keep our nephew Tate in your prayers as he continues to fight off the cancer. He has been such a brave trooper through everything and we know he'll come out on top with his courage and all the love and support. We miss you like crazy buddy and can't wait until you're home!

Tate & his mom, Annie

Santa found Tate in Denver! :)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Looking forward to the New Year!

everyone had a great Christmas and have a fun/safe New Year's. I am off to my friend Kara O'Connor's wedding in Plentywood for New Year's, but Nick & Ben are staying behind and are going to have a quiet celebration at home.

Teasin Grampa.

Loves from Gramma.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Fun with the Cousins

Ben had so much fun playing with his cousins!

The piano is a toy favorite...

Reading with Kenna.

Look at that teamwork...for a few minutes anyway.

3 peas in a pod.

More piano with Grace and Aunt Jada.

Watching movies with Ella (most likely it was CARS, which we watched about 20 times over the break!).

Well hey there...

Going in for the smooch.

Hose 'em down.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

We were in Wibaux and got to wake up to Christmas with all of my family, except Annie & Tate who we were missing very much! They were down in Denver at the Children's Hospital...it wasn't the same without them and we can't wait for them to come back home.

Aunt Carly & Uncle Casey made all of the kids cozy pj's and let them open them Christmas Eve so they could sleep in them (and yes, Casey said he cut threads so that counts :).

Ben, Abby & Ella trying to be patient for a couple pics before opening gifts!

Gramma trying to get everyone in...

...we lost one (Ella)...

Kenna and her Godfather Uncle Clint

Cory & the girls...sending out big hugs to mom & Tate.

Oh boy...what did Santa bring?

A trike!

What a zoo!

Kiddie table

Having some leftovers with Jace!
Playing with Great Gramma, Bo Marie, Jace & Gabi.
Uncle Cory helping out with a little trike ride.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Eve with Moraskos

We actually celebrated Christmas Eve a night early because Aunt Jenny had to work Christmas Eve.

Sitting around visiting with Dad, Aunt Jenny & Uncle Derrick.

Oh boy, here we go...

Playin with a new car with Grampa.

He had a little practice so he ripped right in...

Look what Aunt Jenny gave me! I knew just what to do...

A little serenading...

Our little showoff.

Thanks Aunt Jenny...xo!

Grampa had to help open...they tack in those toys like fort knox.

A BIG Tonka!

Helping Uncle D with his presents.

Look out...we have an official little Bears player thanks to Gramma & Grampa!

Giving Gramma & Grampa lots of love for spoiling me.