Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

We were in Wibaux and got to wake up to Christmas with all of my family, except Annie & Tate who we were missing very much! They were down in Denver at the Children's wasn't the same without them and we can't wait for them to come back home.

Aunt Carly & Uncle Casey made all of the kids cozy pj's and let them open them Christmas Eve so they could sleep in them (and yes, Casey said he cut threads so that counts :).

Ben, Abby & Ella trying to be patient for a couple pics before opening gifts!

Gramma trying to get everyone in...

...we lost one (Ella)...

Kenna and her Godfather Uncle Clint

Cory & the girls...sending out big hugs to mom & Tate.

Oh boy...what did Santa bring?

A trike!

What a zoo!

Kiddie table

Having some leftovers with Jace!
Playing with Great Gramma, Bo Marie, Jace & Gabi.
Uncle Cory helping out with a little trike ride.