Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Eve with Moraskos

We actually celebrated Christmas Eve a night early because Aunt Jenny had to work Christmas Eve.

Sitting around visiting with Dad, Aunt Jenny & Uncle Derrick.

Oh boy, here we go...

Playin with a new car with Grampa.

He had a little practice so he ripped right in...

Look what Aunt Jenny gave me! I knew just what to do...

A little serenading...

Our little showoff.

Thanks Aunt Jenny...xo!

Grampa had to help open...they tack in those toys like fort knox.

A BIG Tonka!

Helping Uncle D with his presents.

Look out...we have an official little Bears player thanks to Gramma & Grampa!

Giving Gramma & Grampa lots of love for spoiling me.