Saturday, July 26, 2008

Morning Hike

We decided to get up this morning and go hike around Hyalite Canyon.

Our first little jont was up to see Pallisade Falls.

Next we ventured over to Grotto Falls.

Had to have a juice box after all that hard work. :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Grandma, Grandpa & Uncle D Visit

Grandma & Grandpa Morasko & Uncle Derrick came up for a little visit.

Sitting out enjoying the nice day.

A little yummy BBQ.

Reading with Grandma & Uncle D.

And then our nice evening turned to this...

...a hail storm swept through Bozeman wiping out bushes and flowers and even cracking a window in the house. We were without electricity from about 6:30 to 10:30.

Looked like winter out with all of the hail.

Then out came the beautiful rainbow(s).

...and out came the cornhole!

Ben showing Grandpa how it's done.

...and Derrick.

Middle of July and we were in sweat pants and snow boots!

We made a little fire to keep warm and roast a few marshmellows...yum!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Fun at the Fair

A couple snaps from the fair here in Bozeman.

Getting ready for a ride on the Merry-go-Round...

...wasn't sure what was going on at first...

...I think it's safe to say he like it. :)

Playing in the 'Kids Zone.'

Off to the petting zoo...

Dad plopped him up on the pony...

...apparently he thought he was bronc riding.

Saying hi to the goat.

He loved it so much we had to stop back in when we came back that evening for the rodeo!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Walkin & Prayin

We were able to take part in Relay for Life in support of Ben's special cousin Tate.

Here's a few pictures of our brave little hero I snagged off of his care page...quite an inspirational little guy! (I couldn't figure out how to get them bigger?!)


Having some fun on a horse and wagon ride at his benefit.

Picking out his courage beads down at Children's Hospital in Denver. He's putting up quite a fight against those nasty cancer cells!

Here we are at the Relay...there are lots of people pulling for you Tate!

Uncle Nick & Aunt Carrie

Friends Sean & Beth Williams

Friends Jeff & Ali Weedin

Brady & Ben in on the action.

Getting ready to go walk the track with Dad.

Time for a water/snack break.

We're behind you all the way Tate!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Visit with Cory, Annie & Kids

We went to Glendive Sunday evening to visit with Cory, Annie & the kids.

Tate showing Ben some of his toys.

Outside for a little bike riding...

and wagon rides.

Tate switched gears to the trike where he had fun chasing down Abby & Ben in the wagon.

Makenna was playing firework hostess.

The boys.

Some swinging with Aunt Annie.

Everyone wanted pushes from Grandma.

Cory fired up the pit so we could enjoy some smores!

Kenna, Ben, Abby & Tate waiting 'patiently'.

Kenna made sure everyone had a marshmellow, cooked to their liking, for the smores.

Good stuff Grandma!
Visiting with Grandpa.

Shoveling it in.

Annie let the kids do a few sparklers.