Friday, July 11, 2008

Walkin & Prayin

We were able to take part in Relay for Life in support of Ben's special cousin Tate.

Here's a few pictures of our brave little hero I snagged off of his care page...quite an inspirational little guy! (I couldn't figure out how to get them bigger?!)


Having some fun on a horse and wagon ride at his benefit.

Picking out his courage beads down at Children's Hospital in Denver. He's putting up quite a fight against those nasty cancer cells!

Here we are at the Relay...there are lots of people pulling for you Tate!

Uncle Nick & Aunt Carrie

Friends Sean & Beth Williams

Friends Jeff & Ali Weedin

Brady & Ben in on the action.

Getting ready to go walk the track with Dad.

Time for a water/snack break.

We're behind you all the way Tate!