Sunday, July 6, 2008

Visit with Cory, Annie & Kids

We went to Glendive Sunday evening to visit with Cory, Annie & the kids.

Tate showing Ben some of his toys.

Outside for a little bike riding...

and wagon rides.

Tate switched gears to the trike where he had fun chasing down Abby & Ben in the wagon.

Makenna was playing firework hostess.

The boys.

Some swinging with Aunt Annie.

Everyone wanted pushes from Grandma.

Cory fired up the pit so we could enjoy some smores!

Kenna, Ben, Abby & Tate waiting 'patiently'.

Kenna made sure everyone had a marshmellow, cooked to their liking, for the smores.

Good stuff Grandma!
Visiting with Grandpa.

Shoveling it in.

Annie let the kids do a few sparklers.