Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bobcat Home Game Kickoff

Tis the season. Bryce & Jane made another trip up so they got to come enjoy the Bobcat festivities with us.

Kiddos and the daddies.

Mason & Ben in true tailgate fashion.

Jane 'roughin it' at the football game! She wasn't sure about wearing a gold t-shirt...but she did have a yellow tank that was much more fashionable.

Ben and Beth. If Ben looks less than thrilled, he had a rough start to the game. Apparently he is deathly afraid of Champ, who we happened to walk by going into the game. He then spent the entire first quarter glued to our side scouting for him to be sure he could keep a safe distance. Of all the things, my wild little boy has to be afraid of the Bobcat mascot?? Didn't go over well with dad! :)

Hangin with the, Sean & Rob.

Dane hangin with his crew...Presley & Mason.

Action in the stands...Ben loves having the other kids around.

Halftime - it was pretty windy out so Jane & Ben found this nifty little 'tent' in the bed of the pickup.

Back at home after bath and jammas...this was their idea of 'playing cards'.