Friday, September 4, 2009

Labor Day Fun

Ok, I'm going to have to play catch-up on pics later...on to the present!

We got to have Bryce & Jane & Lez come stay with us over Labor Day Weekend. We always have a great time just hanging with them. Ben & Jane are quite the little buddies and play together great. Bryce & Lez also hung with the kiddos so Nick & I could sneak out for dinner to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary...a rare occasion to get out without the tiny man, thanks guys!

Jane introduced Ben to candy/starbursts...that's all we need is Ben on a sugar rush! ha

Jane brings her little cot to sleep on and sets up camp in Ben's room. They do surprisingly well with this little sleeping arrangement...naps and bedtime. We kind of want to be a fly on the wall at times and hear if there's any small talk going on. :)

Jane brought along her slip-n-slide so they got to enjoy some more summer fun.

Come on Bryce...don't just stand around...give 'em a push!

Looks like trouble.

Little this picture!

We even got a hike to the M in. There was kind of some harrassing after last time we hiked of whether Bryce would be able to pack Jane apparently he had something to prove. Yes, mission accomplished, however, I believe there was some whining about some sore calves after the fact! They're little farts, but 30 extra pounds on your back changes the workout a bit!

The little hikers up by the M.