Saturday, December 26, 2009

More Cousin Fun

We stopped over to Cory & Annie's so Ben could play with the kids some more. Gramma, Aunt Carol & Mandy & her kiddos came up for a visit too.

A pretty intense game of Guess Who. :)

Jace & Ben...pretty cute little guys!

Ben & Great Aunt Carol

Great Grampa Brown

We stopped over to visit with Ben's Great Grampa Brown while we were in town too.

Helping Grampa break into some nuts.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Morasko Christmas

We went over to Nick's Gramma's for Christmas dinner and see the Morasko clan!
Ben and his cute Aunt Jenny.

Derrick's already teach Ben the video game ropes...a little Wii snowboarding.

Ben (apparently in a daze) with Gramma & Piggy.

Nick with his sis & bro.

Ben, Dad & Ben's Great Gramma Morasko.

Great Gramma with Ben and Ben's 2nd cousin Tyler (Neil & Nicole's boy).

Oh boy...Great Uncle Jerry's handing out money...of course I'll sit on your shoulder Uncle J!

& Great Uncle Bob too!

Nick's cousins Gene & Nicole.

Morasko siblings...Diane, Janine, Jerry, Marc & Bob (ignore the flying bird!)

Gramma & Grampa

The boys...including Dad with his cheesy smile.

Nick & Jen...apparently Nick had a face for every picture.

And I think about 'Christmased' out!

Christmas Morning

Santa managed to find us at Gramma & Grampa Morasko's Christmas morning.

Gramma has a stocking for us at her house too!

Helping Gramma unload her stocking.

Ben got his own digital camera! He's quite the photographer (he must get that from his Gramma Begger :) and loves to see what the picture looks like on the screen.

Aunt Jenny got Ben a pretty cool remote control dinosaur!

Oh boy...a hot wheeler!

Thanks Gramma!

& Grampa!

His own Buzz Lightyear (Gramma & Grampa have one at their house that he loves to play with so he was pretty excited he got to bring this one home).

Yep...a leather biker jacket. It'll have to work on his hot wheeler for now because we're not quite ready for a Harley!

Even some love for Uncle D.

I don't think Ben gets just how 'cool' your Christmas Story shirt is Grampa. :)

Checking out his loot. He must have been a pretty good little boy because he sure got spoiled!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

We were able to spend Christmas Eve at Gramma & Grampa Begger's with Cory & Annie & the girls and Great Gramma & Grampa Barthel.

Someone was a little wound up!

Our handsome little guy.

Kenna, Abby & Ben

I have no idea what was going on in this picture, but whatever dance Abby & Ben are doing, it cracks me up!

Pretty pretty girls!

Dad, Ben & Mom (& baby!)

Can't believe how big my baby boy is getting!

Cory, Annie & girls

Can you tell Cory is up to something??

Gramma & Grampa

Great Gramma & Grampa

Abby & Dad

I think Ben & Great Grampa were swapping fish stories!

Pure awnriness.

A little Christmas duet.

We must have had some good kids in the house because Santa made a special stop by Gramma & Grampa's to see them! Ben back peddled as fast as he could across the living room with Santa first walked took a little coaxing to get him to come say hi!

What's in the bag Santa?!

Everyone got cuddly Christmas Bears.

I guess Santa's not so bad after all. :)

Gramma & Grampa with the kiddos.

Visiting with Great Grampa.

Can't get enough of this big smile!

Ben decided his bear made a good tackle buddy.

Finally time to rip into some presents!

Thanks for the stylin clothes Aunt Annie!

Oh boy...Great Gramma & Grampa gave Ben a helicopter that he had a hard time putting down after he opened!

Gramma always fills stockings at her house for everyone.

Nothing beats family & good food!

Ben & his Grampa are pretty good buds.

Thanks for everything Gramma & you!