Friday, December 25, 2009

Morasko Christmas

We went over to Nick's Gramma's for Christmas dinner and see the Morasko clan!
Ben and his cute Aunt Jenny.

Derrick's already teach Ben the video game ropes...a little Wii snowboarding.

Ben (apparently in a daze) with Gramma & Piggy.

Nick with his sis & bro.

Ben, Dad & Ben's Great Gramma Morasko.

Great Gramma with Ben and Ben's 2nd cousin Tyler (Neil & Nicole's boy).

Oh boy...Great Uncle Jerry's handing out money...of course I'll sit on your shoulder Uncle J!

& Great Uncle Bob too!

Nick's cousins Gene & Nicole.

Morasko siblings...Diane, Janine, Jerry, Marc & Bob (ignore the flying bird!)

Gramma & Grampa

The boys...including Dad with his cheesy smile.

Nick & Jen...apparently Nick had a face for every picture.

And I think about 'Christmased' out!