Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

We were able to spend Christmas Eve at Gramma & Grampa Begger's with Cory & Annie & the girls and Great Gramma & Grampa Barthel.

Someone was a little wound up!

Our handsome little guy.

Kenna, Abby & Ben

I have no idea what was going on in this picture, but whatever dance Abby & Ben are doing, it cracks me up!

Pretty pretty girls!

Dad, Ben & Mom (& baby!)

Can't believe how big my baby boy is getting!

Cory, Annie & girls

Can you tell Cory is up to something??

Gramma & Grampa

Great Gramma & Grampa

Abby & Dad

I think Ben & Great Grampa were swapping fish stories!

Pure awnriness.

A little Christmas duet.

We must have had some good kids in the house because Santa made a special stop by Gramma & Grampa's to see them! Ben back peddled as fast as he could across the living room with Santa first walked took a little coaxing to get him to come say hi!

What's in the bag Santa?!

Everyone got cuddly Christmas Bears.

I guess Santa's not so bad after all. :)

Gramma & Grampa with the kiddos.

Visiting with Great Grampa.

Can't get enough of this big smile!

Ben decided his bear made a good tackle buddy.

Finally time to rip into some presents!

Thanks for the stylin clothes Aunt Annie!

Oh boy...Great Gramma & Grampa gave Ben a helicopter that he had a hard time putting down after he opened!

Gramma always fills stockings at her house for everyone.

Nothing beats family & good food!

Ben & his Grampa are pretty good buds.

Thanks for everything Gramma & you!