Saturday, March 13, 2010

1st Week Home

Dad introducing Zach to the pups.

Grampa made Ben this cool play table perfect for setting up his train tracks on. Looks like he had Uncle Casey & Grampa busy helping test it out while waiting for his new brother to get home. :)

Grampa & Gramma and the 'boys' (still sounds a little odd saying that!)

The best cuddle position.

Gramma was able to stay with us for the first week home so she got lots of time in with the newest grandchild!

We had a couple of nice spring days out so we got to play outside a bit...which is the best place for busy little 3 year olds to burn energy! :)

This grandchild also got lots of Gramma time in...and keeps everyone going going.

Do I look like my brother?

I found a similar picture of Ben in the same sleeper....they definitely have their own look...

...but can you tell them apart here?!? (Zach on top)

Ready to play football with your big brother yet Zach?

Love it.

Ben & Gramma found a fun activity while she was here...baking! We never had so many treats laying around the house...which is probably a good thing because none of us could keep our hands off them! Must mean Ben & Gramma are good bakers! :)

Thanks for everything Gramma...we miss you already!