Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Welcome Zachary!

Well woke to a snowy morning on 3/10/10 (one week early from 3/17 due date), got up to the hospital by 5:30 am for our scheduled c-section, and were excited to finally meet Zachary Robert at 8:32 am! Another lovable, healthy baby boy.

Look at all that dark hair!

He weighed 8 lbs 10 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long.

Proud daddy.

The proud big brother. Gramma B came to stay so they got up to meet Zach mid-morning. Ben was a little cautious walking into the room...not sure what to think of mommy laid up in bed...but he was pretty excited to meet his new little brother.

Ben even brought Zach his first little football. :)

All smiles...

...and a little lovin.
Of course Gramma couldn't wait to meet him either!

My favorite boys.

We're so lucky to be blessed with such a perfect little miracle!

Our growing family...nothing better!

Grampa came up with Uncle Casey that Friday for the weekend so they came up to the hospital to meet Zach too. Casey wasn't feeling great though so he had to keep his distance.

Getting ready to go home that Saturday morning, the 13th.

Sweet little guy!