Thursday, July 22, 2010

G&G Morasko & the Fair!

Gramma & Grampa Morasko came to see us!
We had a little fire and made smores...

And hit up the fair!

This was Ben's favorite ride...the Dragon Rollercoaster. The first time he was smiling, but wasn't real sure of it yet...but we went back a few times and by the end he was letting out screams because 'that's what you're supposed to do' on rollercoasters. :)

The big slide...we weren't sure if Ben would want to go once he got to the top, but he jumped right on...

...and away him & Dad went!

Zach was busy protecting the cotton candy Grampa bought. :)

The hellicopter...although it wasn't exciting enough to go back and ride it again... he can't possibly be getting 'too big' for the kiddie rides?!

The Spinning Bears with dad.

Cars...another one that just didn't have enough excitement to hold his attention.

So we figured he was ready for the Ferris Wheel! I was a little nervous taking him, but he didn't bat an eye even when we were hangin at the top...he was more interested in what all he could see.

Back for another Dragon ride...

Gramma & Grampa & Zach watchin.

Nothing better than rides & sugar!

Zach just took it all in...we barely heard a peep out of him.