Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!

We actually got some nice weather for the 4th so decided we could dig out the big swimpool. :) Ben drug the hottub stairs over for his make-shift diving board.

We actually stuck around home this year for the 4th, which is very unusual for us. Our neighborhood (Elk Grove) had a community BBQ so we went and checked it out.

There were tons of kids around so Ben was having a blast running around.

And Zach was quite content just sprawling out on the blanket!

We met up with our neighbors Mark & Tara Wolfe and their kiddos...Maddy, Haley, Colten & Tia.

Ben (3), Colten (2) & Tia (5)

Ben & Dad - We decided to head back to our house and start a little fire and let off some fireworks.

Ben, Colten, Haley, Maddy & Tia watching Nick do some snakes...

And of course sparklers!

Colten visiting with Zach.

Tara & I