Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

It's after Thanksgiving and the ground is covered in snow so we figured we might as well get the tree up!

Ben helping with the star...

Zach wanted to help too!

My little Santa baby.

Ben did most of the decorating...and this was his favorite spot on the tree. :)

Little supervisor.

The boys with Gramma & Grampa in front of the finished product.

It was so much fun having Gramma & Grampa here...Ben told them they had to stay for '4 weeks'. :)

Oh my Ben...can't get him in the picture when you want him and can't keep him out at other times!

We just got our fireplace put in down in the basement and are loving it!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I think for the first time since leaving the nest, I didn't have to travel for Thanksgiving! My parents were able to venture this way so we hosted Thanksgiving and spent a fun holiday weekend at home.

Apparently this is going to be the normal family picture for the next few years.

I know Zach...your brother's hugs get a little rough!

Gramma & Grampa... yes, my mom did a little cooking, but hopefully was able to relax and enjoy the day a little more!

Nick carving the turkey.

We were giving Nick a little bit of a hard time because this is what time we ate our '12:00 dinner'...but boy was it worth the wait!! :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Grampa was busy entertaining the boys...

And Gramma brought a gingerbread train so her and Ben were busy decorating it.

The finished work of art!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gdive Mingling

We made a trip back to Glendive for Nick's friend Ryan Staiger's wedding reception and were able to meet up with a lot of friends!

We had met up with Bryce & Jane at the Gusthauf for lunch and Ben & Jane were having fun sitting at the bar.

Nick, Jen & Derrick

Gdive boys at the reception...Dane, Bryce, Nick, Kyle, Ryan, Phil, & Tom

Congrats Ryan!

Ben & Jane running wild at the reception

Abby & Kenna were also there so more kids, more fun!

Kenna thinks she's pretty tough, but I don't think this will be happening much longer!

My little Kenna is growing up!

Staiger, Nick, Bryce & Kyle

The boys BSing...anyone spy my baby?!!

They had a box of dressup hats and wigs so the girls were having fun.

I call this the 'Abby & Nick' series...

Nick & Kenna shaking a leg

Me & Laurel

The guys celebrating

The beautiful bride and married in Jamaica the week before!

Love from little sis. :)