We had met up with Bryce & Jane at the Gusthauf for lunch and Ben & Jane were having fun sitting at the bar.
Nick, Jen & Derrick
Gdive boys at the reception...Dane, Bryce, Nick, Kyle, Ryan, Phil, & Tom
Congrats Ryan!
Ben & Jane running wild at the reception
Abby & Kenna were also there so more kids, more fun!
Kenna thinks she's pretty tough, but I don't think this will be happening much longer!
My little Kenna is growing up!
Staiger, Nick, Bryce & Kyle
They had a box of dressup hats and wigs so the girls were having fun.
I call this the 'Abby & Nick' series...
Nick & Kenna shaking a leg
Me & Laurel
The guys celebrating
The beautiful bride and groom...got married in Jamaica the week before!
Love from little sis. :)