Saturday, November 13, 2010

Baby Coy

Our new little nephew & cousin Coy Robert Begger was born 10/5/10...another big healthy baby boy! Soon after Coy was born him and his sister Grace and mom & dad Carly & Casey moved from Billings to Glendive. We finally got to meet the handsome little guy while we were in Glendive for a quick weekend.

Here's the blue eyed, full of cheeks sweetie!

Coy & Mama

Another little boy in the family!

Ben & Zach with their cousins Coy & Grace

This one is cute...Ben & Grace are gigglin about something while Zach is checking out Coy. :)

Lots of loves!

Coy with Uncle Nick...

...& Aunt Carrie

Quite the pair!
