Friday, December 31, 2010

Ringing in the New Year

We were home and able to ring in the New Year with family for the first time...well in a long time! We stayed home at Gramma & Grampa's, relaxed, hung out, made a yummy prime rib dinner, and played games until...midnight for some, 2:30 am for a few others, and 4:30 am for the crazies (and no, I was not part of the last group!)

These 2 had a fun week together...playing, pestering, hugging, fighting...nothing like it!

Gotta check out Gramma's cupboards.

Grace, Ben & Coy

My mom & Aunt Darlene partying hard. :)

Birthday buddies...Zach & Jace...

Some of the crew...Kent & Carly Kahl and their little guy Daxon came and joined the party.

Now here's the real party crew!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Anniversary Casey & Carly

Casey & Carly were nice enough to bring Nick & I and Cory & Annie out on the Anniversary date night. :) We had a couple beers at the brewery and then dinner and a little pool at the Rainbow!

Happy 4th!

Carly & Casey with Bret

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gdive Bowling

When in Glendive, do as Glendivians do. :) We've had a lot of great times with friends at the Glendive bowling alley so thought we would let the kids give it a whirl.

Morasko clan...Leona, Marc, Derrick, Zach, Nick & Jenny.

Ben & Abby getting the hang of it...

Oh boy...just don't go down the lane with it!


Yep, better than his mom. :)

Ben & Kenna, our little pro-bowler.

Ben, Grace & Abby

Use your muscles Abby!

Even Zach had a good time.

Kenna giving Grace some pointers.

Ben bowls a spare, I heard him call bank shot.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Vaca

We took the week after Christmas off for a little Christmas vacation...lots of great family time!

Ben, Grace, Ella & Abby...popsicles in Dec?

Jace (Mandy's), Ben & Grace...waiting 'patiently' to go sledding.

Ben playing with his superhero fortress Santa brought him.

These 2 don't get to see each other all that often, but the sure had a good time together!

Our little ballerina.

Lots of movies!

I asked Grace to give me a big cheese...careful what you ask for! ha

Grace, Zach & Gabi (Mandy's)

The 2 littlest guys...Zach & Coy

We put in How to Train Your Dragon and these 2 sat glued to the TV...

...and were even on the edge of their seats at times. :)

We - Are - Fam - i - ly

Our growing family! It's always fun (and a little louder each time :) to all be home together.

Gramma & Grampa with the kids.

Our foundation! :)

Cory & Annie, Kenna (11) and Abby (5)

Clint & Jada, Ella (4) and Gavin (1)

Casey & Carly, Grace (2) and Coy (2 mos)

Our little family, Ben (3) and Zach (9 mos)