Friday, December 24, 2010

Morasko Christmas

We spent Christmas Eve in Glendive with Gramma & Grampa & Jenny & Derrick.

My baby's 1st Christmas.

Handsome (and wound up) boys.

Becoming more & more vertical! rib, twice baked potatoes...pumpkin cheesecake!

Derrick & Jen

Me and my big guy.

This is one of Zach's favorite ways to past time these days...

Hangin out!

Zach with Aunt Jenny & Gramma.

My boys.

Christmas Story anyone...can't take your eyes off of it!

Ben was pretty excited about his 'big present'...

...a scooter from Gramma & Grampa!

Not sure if this is the look of excitement?

Big present...better get some help from Uncle D.

A wagon!

Now there's the excitement. :)

Thank you Gramma & Grampa...we love you!