Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bobcat Football

Finally...the long awaited 1st home football game. For my husband, it's like waking up Christmas morning. :) There was a lot of hype going into the day with the renovated stadium and all...and it didn't disappoint...FULL house of gold!

My parents were in town on their way back from their Alaskan cruise...of course my mom was prepared with her camera...which was a good thing because mine didn't make it out of the car so I had to snag these from her.

Kid, check. Cooler, check.

My little tailgater.

Ben's an 'ol pro...catching up with his buddy Brady.

Are you ready for some football?

I love this...Ben showing Zach how its done...look at that form!

Ready to roll!

The new endzone!

New scoreboard!

I'm bummed I didn't grab my mom's camera and take any of her and my dad. It was a little hectic...not a spare seat around us and the sun blazen right at us. Made it a little challenging with 2 little boys...sweatin and no wiggle room. Gramma & Grampa rescued them and took them home at half time. Nick and I stuck around to watch them smoke UC Davis!