Friday, September 16, 2011

Full House

One of the favorite things I like about getting to go back home is this scene right here...

...a full breakfast table of my favorite people!

We got to meet the newest addition...little Josie Rae...born on 7/22.

I finally snagged some time with her...she's so sweet!

A favorite of everyone's...the piano.

(Ben, Zach, Grace & Coy)

Coy is getting to be such a big guy! I told Carly Zach might have to start taking hand-me-downs from his little cousin. :)

Everyone loves Gramma's old hats.

The little guys got some unassisted piano time and didn't know what to do with themselves without big brother/sister 'helping' out.

We're not going to be there for Coy's big 1st birthday so we brought his gift and let him open it early.

I guess that's a no on a group picture.

Abby & Ben...the play dough usually comes out even before breakfast.

And everyone's favorite farm toy...the 4 wheelers!
(Ella, Ben & Grace)

You're never to fancy for 4 wheeler fun.

And Casey's new found farm fun...bow hunting. He got his first antelope with his bow when we were home.