Friday, December 30, 2011

Mosley Fun!

Kasey & Justin we able to come spend a few days with us playing and ringing in the new year! We headed up to Big Sky for a day of skiing, celebrated with a night on the town, and lots of just hanging out...which included multiple games of Monopoly cards...for anyone that hasn't played it, it's quite addicting! And don't let Justin tell you otherwise...he's not the best, just unbelievably lucky!

Up in Big Sky... and yes, in all the years I've lived here this was my first time skiing Big Sky.

The Mosley's!

I have to of my favorite parts of skiing is drinks at the lodge. :)

And it just got better...Shane flew in and was able to hang with us for the night. I don't think we ever laugh as much as we do when Shane's around...lots of reminiscing about the good 'ol days!

We were missing our Welker Jean, but it was fun to have some of the girls together!

Justin & Sean

Shane & his trailer park girls. :)

Me & J Bird

Monday, December 26, 2011

Fun in the Sun

Not really enough snow for sledding or snowman or forts like we'd hoped we'd be doing over Christmas, but I guess the sun shining isn't so bad either!

Playing at the park.

Popcorn and movies...we got lots of great new movies for Christmas (Cars 2, Lion King, Smurfs...). One of Ben's favorite things for us to do is make popcorn and have a 'movie party'.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

When I was putting Ben in bed Christmas Eve he was overly excited, but had a bit of a concern about Santa possibly coming in his room. I think the thought of someone (even if it is SANTA) coming in the house while he is sleeping is a little unnerving...can't say I blame him. :) I don't think I'll ever forget though the look on his face and sound in his voice when he came running in our room (at 5:30) Christmas morning telling me that Santa had come! I got up so he could show me the presents and stockings, but somehow did manage him to crawl back in bed with me until about 7:00 when Zach started to stir.

Digging into their stockings waiting for Dad and everyone to get up. Santa brought everyone new Bobcat stocking hats. As everyone was putting theirs on, Ben looked around and got sad...when I asked him what was wrong he said everyone got Bobcat hats and I got a reindeer... hmmm...I had to have him take a closer look and he was relieved to see he got a CHAMP hat...the king of Bobcats!

Ready set go... they both got light sabers!

Zach opening up his little people car set.


We gave Ben a Leapster Explorer... he took right to it and apparently didn't need to wait around for us to show him how to use it. It amazes me how quickly kids master the electronics. It is a great little toy and about the only thing the keeps this kid sitting still for more than 5 minutes!

Look at these two...playing nicely...together! Thank you Batcave!

We loved having Jenny, Derrick, Grampa & Gramma come spend Christmas with us!

The boys also got cowboy hats from Gramma & Grampa Begger. My little cowpoke! We did get them wranglers and western shirts too, but boots & cowboy hats really go with anything.

Every cowboy has to have a horse. This will have to do until we get to the farm and can ride Grampa's horse!

Nick & Marc hottubbed with the boys. It was way too nice out for my idea of Christmas, but I guess you have to take advantage of what you're given!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

For the first time (yes, ever) I wasn't with my parents on Christmas (whether it be Christmas Eve or Christmas Day). It was a little strange not being around my bigger family, but it was nice to not have to pack everything up and travel. And there is something special about waking up Christmas morning in your own home with your own kids. Marc, Leona, Jenny & Derrick come up to spend Christmas with us so it was nice to still be with some family!

The boys ready for church (note the new cowboy boots :). Also a first experience...we went in to church for a 4:00 service...we were about 15 min early and actually got turned away because they didn't have room for any more bodies in the building. Holy Rosary is going under a remodel so the temp meeting place is a smaller church...we can't wait until the new church is ready!

Me and my boys...

I still look at Ben every day and am in awe about how big he is getting! He is at such a cherished age for soaking in the magic of Christmas.

My handsome Zachary.

The boys with Uncle Derrick.

Aunt Jenny

and Grampa

The boys got to each open a present Christmas Eve...Ben got Candyland!

Zach was loving it too!