Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

For the first time (yes, ever) I wasn't with my parents on Christmas (whether it be Christmas Eve or Christmas Day). It was a little strange not being around my bigger family, but it was nice to not have to pack everything up and travel. And there is something special about waking up Christmas morning in your own home with your own kids. Marc, Leona, Jenny & Derrick come up to spend Christmas with us so it was nice to still be with some family!

The boys ready for church (note the new cowboy boots :). Also a first experience...we went in to church for a 4:00 service...we were about 15 min early and actually got turned away because they didn't have room for any more bodies in the building. Holy Rosary is going under a remodel so the temp meeting place is a smaller church...we can't wait until the new church is ready!

Me and my boys...

I still look at Ben every day and am in awe about how big he is getting! He is at such a cherished age for soaking in the magic of Christmas.

My handsome Zachary.

The boys with Uncle Derrick.

Aunt Jenny

and Grampa

The boys got to each open a present Christmas Eve...Ben got Candyland!

Zach was loving it too!